First Day of School

Categories: Me & Mine, Portrait Work - Tags: , ,

I’m posting this a little early since I know Monday will be completely hectic and I won’t be able to get the “First Day of School” photo that I really want. So this is the one I’ll remember when I think of my baby starting first grade. First grade!

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that I got them dressed this morning and we did a little mini-session. We just wandered around my neighborhood shooting whatever caught my eye. There are some cute spots around here!

Hopefully, the little one will be attending the same school but she won’t be able to start on Monday. Here’s to hoping things get sorted out quickly so we don’t spend too many mornings explaining why she doesn’t get to go to school with her big sister like she has up until now. That’s the conversation I’m most dreading next week. Is it just girls, or are little boys just as jealous of their big brothers?

Kimberly Mitchell

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